IMPORTANT NOTE: The all-white or gray background is for all orders except the Pro Shot Package

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Pro-Shot Package includes a composite digital graphic background
Welcome parents to our Volitude Volleyball Academy Photo Day! My name is Emanuel Stone and I am your host and photographer.
You are cordially invited to bring your volleyball athlete(s) to my professional photo studio which will be set up inside the Activity Room located at Apollo Park inside the main building on Saturday, September 16th, from 7:30 am until 12:30 pm.
Professional photographic equipment is used to capture a beautiful and high-quality portrait of your child available in an assortment of packages that includes the one and only STATUETTE® pictured below:
PLEASE NOTE: Photos with composited backgrounds are only for the Pro Shot Packages, all other packages have a solid gray background.
For the first time, we are offering DIGITAL ONLY packages as opposed to traditional paper-printed packages. DIGITAL ONLY packages allow you to print as many copies as you like, save to your phone as a lock screen, share with family and friends, and post to social media. Just look for the words ‘DIGITAL ONLY’ when purchasing. All DIGITAL ONLY packages are delivered to you via email.
Please arrive as early as possible before your scheduled games. I will be ready to take pictures at 7:30 am. Arriving early helps us complete all orders on time and get your kids back to playing their scheduled games without being late.
First, scroll down until you see the section labeled ‘PURCHASE ORDER’
This is where the items available for purchase are located along with their description and pricing. Input the amount of each item by inputting a number. Once you are finished selecting and inputting the amount scroll down until you see a box labeled ‘NEXT’ to begin the checkout process. To pay by credit card select the ‘STRIPE’ option to begin the payment process.
Be advised, I do accept cash transactions only If you bring the exact amount or you feel like leaving a tip 🙂 Thanks.
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: After selecting your items for purchase you will click a green box labeled ‘NEXT’ at the bottom of this page. On the following page be sure to input your CHILD’S NAME, not the parent’s name. You will then input the PARENT’S EMAIL ADDRESS. Thank you.
All orders are FINAL. A refund is only issued if the name is misspelled.